Anticipation always beats expectation in the journey of life

Editorial & Opinion, Friday, December 28, 2007, p. A8 I am not a morning person, but last week I was wakened by my daughter yelling and I popped out of bed with a smile on my face like I’d had 12 hours sleep. She was hanging the next decoration on our advent calendar, made by her Nana last year, joyfully …

Despite the dangers in the world, we have to let our babies go

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, December 12, 2007, p. A10 The headlines lately have echoed a tragic loss of young life from this community. As a mother, these are painful reminders that no matter how safe the cocoon called home may be, once we let our butterflies spread their wings, they may not make it home again. From the moment we …

What would I like for Christmas? The spirit of Thanksgiving

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, November 28, 2007, p. A10 Christmas is coming and so are the queries from friends and family. What do you and the kids need? The short answer is: nothing. We already have too much stuff. I was looking at a toy from my childhood last week: a Fisher-Price school bus. The bulk of it was made …

The importance of remembering: if not now, when?

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, November 14, 2007, p. A8 Where did October go? I remember Thanksgiving and trick-or-treating, but if not for that, I’d think I’d been robbed. I simply don’t remember the month; and this is happening more and more to more and more of us. The busier our lives get, the more likely we are to miss out …

Spread the word: early detection of a breast lump can save a life

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, October 31, 2007, p. A8 With the change of seasons, I recently switched purses, which necessitated a major sorting and downsizing of the contents of my handbag. I found three lipsticks that I had completely forgotten about, and realized that half the space in my bag was being taken up by my keys and their respective …

A clear message: a case of beer and deep-frying don’t mix

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, October 17, 2007, p. A8 Fire Prevention week wrapped up on Oct. 13, and this years’ slogan was “don’t drink and fry.” I know that they can’t be talking about the majority of us who have a glass of wine while getting dinner ready, so I called Dan Fraser, Fire Prevention Officer. He informed me that …

Seeds of successful leadership planted at weekend conference

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, October 3, 2007, p. A8 It takes a lot to surprise me. I can only think of one time in my life when I was really surprised and didn’t have an inkling of what was about to happen. And yet, I now find myself at a crossroad in life and the path forward will be a …


Dentists seem drawn to Sault due to our unfluoridated water

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, September 19, 2007, p. A10 Dentists drawn to communities without fluoride in the water? When our family began contemplating a move to Sault Ste. Marie, I busied myself with finding a job and a home, and then my attention turned to getting a doctor and a dentist. Armed with recommendations from friends, I hit the Yellow …

Better safety measures are needed to protect kids on school buses

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, September 5, 2007 Last week, I accompanied my daughter to the mall to take her first ride on a school bus. The event was hosted by Laidlaw to teach kids about school bus safety and for a photo opportunity for the parents (to preempt delays on the first day of school?) The bus was just as …

Magazine reading takes a backseat to other summer pursuits

Editorial & Opinion, Thursday, August 23, 2007 I am behind in my reading. I have a pile of magazine subscriptions and newspapers that I haven’t touched for weeks. The bigger the pile gets, the less I want to dive into it. I’m now at the point where I may just cancel my magazines subscriptions so that the leaning tower of …