On Oct.20, the Ontario’s provincial government announced the “Catch Up Payments” plan. Unfortunately, most parents of school-aged children still haven’t heard about the $200 to 250 dollars available through a simple online application process. According to its press release, the Ministry of Education’s “Plan to Catch Up,” is “to keep students in class learning for the entirety of the school …
Charmed by Prince Edward County travels
Most people visit Prince Edward County in the summer. It’s well known for Sandbanks Provincial Park, Lake on the Mountain, and many vineyards. Going in the fall has the advantage that you aren’t queuing and can add in extra stops. On my most recent trip to the county, earlier in October, we covered a lot of ground in two-and- a-half …
Digital reminder to renew licence plate will steer you right
Ontario drivers don’t have to pay licence plate renewal fees, nor put on those colourful little stickers anymore, but did you know that police can pull you over if you haven’t renewed your plate? I knew that the fees for licence plate renewals were scrubbed this year, but was surprised to learn that they have also stopped mailing people notices …
Bet on Banksy’s art to get thinking
There are hundreds of reasons to visit Ottawa, but my latest favourite is the Banksy 360 immersive exhibit in the Aberdeen Pavilion at Lansdowne Park. Banksy becomes more relevant every day as the world goes to pot and this exhibit is an entertaining and powerful reminder that we can’t just accept the status quo. If you don’t know the artist, …
Rays of sunshine radiate through the ‘darkness’
It seems like it’s time for some good news. Regardless of the things we disagree upon, or the darkness we’re seeing around the world, there are things being done in our community to laud. Let’s start with the Beaver Freezer Marathon held last weekend at Hiawatha. First, I tip my hat to the person who named the event; it is …
Misinformation, hypocrisy make COVID weigh more heavily
I may not be sick, but I’m tired. I’m tired of COVID. I’m tired of misinformation from all levels. I’m tired of feeling like not enough of us are taking this seriously. I’m tired that the weight for so much of this is on the shoulders of us to personally figure out what to do since we aren’t getting enough …
No need to sugar-coat COVID realities
Ontario’s response to COVID-19 has, at times, seemed restrictive, other times appropriate, still other times too lenient. Overall, there seems to be a lack of information and a lack of evidence-based decision-making leading to questionable pronouncements benefitting certain stakeholders, while those preaching the rules feel that they are above them. Let’s start with the fact that the province was locked …
Tents are tolerable, but can’t beat cabin comfort
Given that summer vacation plans are up in the moist air at this time, it got me thinking about possible vacations for the fall. Anything out of the house would be a grand escape, but I keep reminiscing about my Thanksgiving last year, spent up at Pancake Bay Provincial Park, in its new, cute wood cabin. Instead of dealing with …
Usury appears to be alive and well
I got a piece of direct mail last week for a service that purports itself to provide “affordable loan solutions.” It said I could apply easily at the branch, online, or by telephone. I could get $5,500 loan – today. I read the conditions on the back, and nowhere did it mention the interest rate for this “affordable” solution that …
Our students should not be schooled in shortcuts and slacking off
Does quantity now trump quality for high school graduates? Does our educational assessment system now pander to the lowest common denominator? I’ve never been a proponent of quantity over quality and perhaps I’m being negative here, but I’m worried. Should we be happy with September’s report from the Ministry of Education that 67 per cent of Grades 3 and 6 …