Children’s birthday parties say so much

Throwing a successful children’s birthday party is no easy task. I try to execute a party that will make my child happy and will be a healthy, and hopefully a learning, experience for the guests. With a little extra upfront planning, this is possible. They say that kids spell love T-I-M-E and I am inclined to believe that. One friend …

A vacation isn’t always synonymous with relaxation

Especially with the steely grip this winter has had on many of our moods, it was high time for an escape. I took the kids on a cruise to the Caribbean, to find some relaxation, sun, sand, and heat. I’ve travelled with my children before, but never for such long airport layovers, and never on a cruise. While I did …

Rebuilding sandcastles

Staring out the window of the airplane, I can’t help but feel small: so small compared to the puffy white clouds dotting the sky. Only minutes ago it was the white caps and the size of the ocean making me feel insignificant. Just hours before, I stood on that beach, my feet sinking into millions of grains of sand. I …

One act of kindness

My daughter made two ladies cry. Usually, this would be cause for concern, but instead it is time to proudly share. For her tenth birthday Audrey asked for money to donate to Christmas Cheer. (Warning: the goodwill toward man shown in this article may make grinch-like hearts grow two sizes or may even inspire you to do a random act …

We owe it to ourselves and our children to stop rushing to relax

Ah, summery weather is finally here, and minds wander to beaches and camping and getting closer to nature. Unfortunately, there is the hurried and often harried packing up, travelling, and setup to conquer first. While I appreciate the rush to get to that special place for family quality time, the irony is evident in the insanity we put our kids …

Get out from under a rock and attend some of our great local shows

This month I made it to three excellent community events. Two were part of the Algoma Fall Festival and one was the opener to the Over the Rainbow Children’s Entertainment series. There was one thing in common at all the events — lots of local volunteers and sponsors, without whom these events would not happen. This is no small point. …