Writing & Publising
Whether you need corporate sales and marketing materials, or want a speech that will halt them in their tracks. We’ve got you covered. We provide writing and editing services for: Press releases, web copy, media advisories, briefing notes, business profiles, newsletters, resume writing, blogging, lifestyle op-ed, social media, technical writing, marketing copywriting, speechwriting, backgrounders, memoirs, and more.
Want it said right? Need a ghostwriter? Contact us.
POST MEDIA: Sault Star Columnist “The ink”, June 2007 – PRESENT,
- column every second Wednesday, posted at www.saultstar.com,
- archives of THE INK columns Click here (join my columny)
- Writer: Mantracking: The Ultimate Guide to Tracking Man or Beast self-published and released in Nov 2012. Non-fiction guide to tracking. Sold over 10,000 copies worldwide. Link
- Northern Ontario Medical Journal (2011- PRESENT), http://www.nomj.ca/author/nadine-robinson
- Algoma University’s Alumni Magazine (2007-PRESENT) e.g. AU Today Winter 2015- 2016 (pages 7,18)
- Northern Ontario Business (2011- PRESENT), e.g. Algoma Financial Group Advertorial
- Bearskin Airlines in-flight magazine (2009 – PRESENT), example, BearCountry Spring 2016 (pages 13-19)
- News stories and profiles for Northern Business Journal (focus writer & regional report – two articles a month July 2007-2008),
- Influential Women of Northern Ontario Profiles (2011),
- Canadian Government Executive Magazine (2005),
- Ottawa Citizen (2002),
- Press releases for Algoma University (2012),
- Azure medispa (2016)
Since self-publishing and selling over 10,000 copies of the book she co-authored around the world, her next project is in the works. Need advice on the process? Want someone to “self-publish” for you? Contact us.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.Albert Einstein