Truth, Reconciliation, and Harmony at Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig

How will you mark this year’s National Day of Truth and Reconciliation? The country has set routines for Remembrance Day, but given how new the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation is, many of us simply aren’t sure how to acknowledge it properly. Learning anything about Indigenous history or culture is a start. This year, Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig (SKG) has …


Will you please stop holding my grocery bags hostage

I’m not a trained hostage negotiator, and unfortunately, as of late, this fact is putting me at a disadvantage at certain big box stores. I feel quite unprepared when my purchases are “kidnapped” at the cash register until I offer an answer to their charitable donation request as the ransom to get them back. I go into retail stores to …

How smart are we if we continue to agree to pay for smart meters?

In my last column I expressed my opposition to the PUC’s application to recover smart meter costs from us through an increase in our delivery charges. Not surprisingly, Brian Curran, president and CEO of PUC, wasn’t a big fan of my column. Curran replied in a letter in which he let people know that smart electrical meters were mandated by …

Arm yourself with knowledge before you become the next scam victim

In my last column, I warned readers about a somewhat convincing scam where someone cold-calls you to help “fix” your computer. I worried that it might trick less savvy citizens into giving out their personal information and/or credit card numbers to supposed Microsoft or Windows staff, and I wanted to warn readers to protect themselves and their friends. Yet, I …

It’s not rude to hang up on someone who is trying to steal from you

For months now, friends have been telling me about a telephone scam in which supposed Microsoft people call to help them fix their computers. Not until last week, did I get the call. I played along, and actually found some of what they said mildly believable, so I decided to warn you of what they say, what they want, and …

Want to win my vote? Promise and deliver benefits for this region

I’m so excited we are returning to the polls Oct. 14. Aren’t you? Don’t you want the opportunity to redo something you just did? I think I’ll throw out the lunch I just made for my daughter and make it again. Why not? While I’m at it, I think I’ll go back and repeat high school and recommend that my …

Listen to good music and keep dancing like nobody is watching

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, March 5, 2008 In February, I attended the Tom Cochrane and John Mellencamp concert at the Steelback Centre, along with 4,700 of my closest friends from Northern Ontario and Michigan. I’ve since ranked it in my top five favourite concerts of all time, however not everything was rosy like little pink houses. As usual, I had …

It’s important to talk about postpartum mood disorder

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, January 23, 2008, p. A8 Postpartum mood disorder is so much more than just “the blues.” Admitting you need help postpartum does not make you a bad mother. When I read the article on postpartum mood disorder (ppd) on Saturday, I did so with pride, joy and sorrow mixed with hope. I took pride in “my” …

Despite the dangers in the world, we have to let our babies go

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, December 12, 2007, p. A10 The headlines lately have echoed a tragic loss of young life from this community. As a mother, these are painful reminders that no matter how safe the cocoon called home may be, once we let our butterflies spread their wings, they may not make it home again. From the moment we …

Spread the word: early detection of a breast lump can save a life

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, October 31, 2007, p. A8 With the change of seasons, I recently switched purses, which necessitated a major sorting and downsizing of the contents of my handbag. I found three lipsticks that I had completely forgotten about, and realized that half the space in my bag was being taken up by my keys and their respective …