Take the byte out of bullying and be glad our antics weren’t documented

With anti-bullying day recently behind us, I have to wonder if we’ve really achieved all that much in light of a story I heard recently. Here’s the story: a mother was called by her daughter’s teacher about an emergency with her daughter. Mom was panic-stricken, but the school told her not to worry as her daughter was not hurt. Mom …

Allow children to take safe risks, but protect them from great harm

What would you do if your young teenager asked you to let him or her sail around the world? Me, I’d say no. Recently, we heard of a 16-year-old girl who had to be rescued from her attempt to navigate the globe alone, at a great cost to perhaps everyone except her parents. Now, a 14-year-old has been given the …

How do you thank your mom for everything she’s done for you?

I didn’t buy my mother a Mother’s Day present this year and I’m not sure I’ll buy one ever again. It’s not that I don’t appreciate her; quite the contrary. It’s just that since I’ve had children and am in the process of raising them, I can’t think of an appropriate gift to send her anymore. I used to buy …

Get out from under a rock and attend some of our great local shows

This month I made it to three excellent community events. Two were part of the Algoma Fall Festival and one was the opener to the Over the Rainbow Children’s Entertainment series. There was one thing in common at all the events — lots of local volunteers and sponsors, without whom these events would not happen. This is no small point. …

What motivated Toronto board to approve an all-black school?

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Toronto school trustees have approved a black-focused school. What can I say to that other than “huh”? To say I am perplexed is a severe understatement. I know this may not be a popular opinion but I think we have to step back and ask some serious questions. Will this benefit the students? …

It’s important to talk about postpartum mood disorder

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, January 23, 2008, p. A8 Postpartum mood disorder is so much more than just “the blues.” Admitting you need help postpartum does not make you a bad mother. When I read the article on postpartum mood disorder (ppd) on Saturday, I did so with pride, joy and sorrow mixed with hope. I took pride in “my” …


Telephone etiquette should not go the way of the rotary telephone

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, January 9, 2008, p. A8 The other day my telephone rang and my four-year-old daughter yelled, “I’ll get it.” She raced to the telephone with a determined look on her face. I watched her cross the room and stifled a giggle. Her arms were pumping, her legs high-stepping, and she was almost leaning backwards. She sounded …

Anticipation always beats expectation in the journey of life

Editorial & Opinion, Friday, December 28, 2007, p. A8 I am not a morning person, but last week I was wakened by my daughter yelling and I popped out of bed with a smile on my face like I’d had 12 hours sleep. She was hanging the next decoration on our advent calendar, made by her Nana last year, joyfully …

Despite the dangers in the world, we have to let our babies go

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, December 12, 2007, p. A10 The headlines lately have echoed a tragic loss of young life from this community. As a mother, these are painful reminders that no matter how safe the cocoon called home may be, once we let our butterflies spread their wings, they may not make it home again. From the moment we …

What would I like for Christmas? The spirit of Thanksgiving

Editorial & Opinion, Wednesday, November 28, 2007, p. A10 Christmas is coming and so are the queries from friends and family. What do you and the kids need? The short answer is: nothing. We already have too much stuff. I was looking at a toy from my childhood last week: a Fisher-Price school bus. The bulk of it was made …