Myth of fairy tale wedding, simple divorce

No one goes into marriage thinking that they’ll get divorced (unless they are a gold-digger) and yet, so many of us end up divorced. Something quite unthinkable 60 years ago is commonplace today. We truly have a disposable society, from the toasters we get as wedding gifts to the weddings themselves.Why do marriages fail? There are countless reasons, including some …

Rebuilding sandcastles

Staring out the window of the airplane, I can’t help but feel small: so small compared to the puffy white clouds dotting the sky. Only minutes ago it was the white caps and the size of the ocean making me feel insignificant. Just hours before, I stood on that beach, my feet sinking into millions of grains of sand. I …

Forces beyond our control are at work when we lose a baby tooth

My daughter has a loose tooth. It amuses and revolts both her and me at the same time. As I watch her grappling with the wiggly tooth, I can’t help but think of the teeth I’ve cut along the way (literally and metaphorically). As a girl, I knew that if I didn’t brush my teeth and ate too much sugar, …