Snoring problem often transferred to non-snorer

We’ve all heard it, in person or in the movies, those who sound like heavy breathers, who whiff out puffs of air at force at random intervals, or even the echoing cave bear hibernating snorers.

Interestingly enough, the same person can be any and all kinds of snorers. Sometimes it is related to weight, sickness, alcohol , and/or sleeping position. Snorers will tell you that when they are carrying extra weight, that causes the ruckus. Or they’ll say that it is because they are sick and their nose is congested. Sometimes it is that they have had too much to drink, or drank a particular alcohol that is problematic. Sleeping position is also blamed on snoring, but most snorers I’ve known snore whether they are on their back or sides. (Sitting up may be one of the only positions that doesn’t promote snorting due to obstructed air movement while sleeping.)

Snoring is a very common complaint from co-sleepers regardless of the type of snoring, and I’m wondering whose problem is it? In other words, who should take responsibility for it? (It should be noted that co-sleepers can be a friend that you share a hotel room with or potentially even worse, a tent.)
How many arguments have you or your friends had with snorers? How many pillows or other objects have crossed the room in hostels, army barracks, and anywhere there are shared sleeping quarters? I know people who have taken a pillow and a blanket and attempted to sleep in the bathtub to avoid the snoring in the other room.

Sometimes between friends, or work colleagues, but most usually in amorous relationships, in the beginning, the snorer apologizes, feels bad for keeping the other awake, offers to sleep in another room, and/or suggests that they just be woken and told to roll over.

Some say they will lose weight, others say they will drink less or avoid that particular alcohol, and that may or may not come to pass. Some may offer to try an over-the-counter anti-snoring aid, from the strips that cross the nose, to small plastic nose “baskets” inserted into the nostrils, or a mouth guard-type device. The very dedicated, or perhaps those with more severe breathing obstructions move to mouth guards custom fit by dentists, or make the leap to a CPAP machine and go full Darth Vader.

But more often, the snoring problem gets transferred to the non-snorer like this: “Why don’t you just wear earplugs?”
Is anyone comfortable wearing earplugs? I haven’t met a pair that stays in my ears all night and/or doesn’t leave me with an ache or pressure in my ear(s) in the morning.

I’m not saying that the strips, nostril baskets, or mouth guards aren’t uncomfortable, but don’t they warrant an honest effort in the name of sleep for everyone if you are the one making the noise?

Oh snorers, if it is you emanating the noise, shouldn’t you have more of the responsibility to deal with the issue than the one in the room with you? Do you really want to drive the non-snorers to pick up that pillow and find a more permanent solution than simply tossing it at you?

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