Keeping ’em happy and ignorant seems to be gameplan

Panem et circenses … bread and circuses … that’s what comes to mind when I hear about the provincial budget. (I have a few other choice words, but they are not as printable.) The Roman writer, Juvenal, was correct 1,800 years ago when he lamented that the masses can be appeased with simple pleasures like food and entertainment. I know …

Here’s how to get my vote

Since I’m now receiving robo-calls from political candidates, I guess it’s indeed that time again. Politicians, if you want my vote, here’s how to get it. Firstly, focus on issues that you can deliver on, not things that while they may be good ideas, are completely out of your mandate. (And if you do get elected, make sure you deliver …

Apply EI rules to absent politicians

We are now just over a month into the prorogation of Parliament. Our members of Parliament and our prime minister are now in the boat that so many Canadians find themselves — out of work. The difference is, of course, that MPs face the luxury of a work stoppage with full salary, and they know when they will be back …