Happiness is a long, hot shower

There is a song on the radio lately by Pharrell Williams that is a catchy little ditty about being happy. It espouses the type of unbridled happiness that one feels when falling in love, being super proud of your children’s latest accomplishments, or after you’ve won the lottery. Part of the lyrics say: “Clap along if you feel like happiness …

A vacation isn’t always synonymous with relaxation

Especially with the steely grip this winter has had on many of our moods, it was high time for an escape. I took the kids on a cruise to the Caribbean, to find some relaxation, sun, sand, and heat. I’ve travelled with my children before, but never for such long airport layovers, and never on a cruise. While I did …

Rebuilding sandcastles

Staring out the window of the airplane, I can’t help but feel small: so small compared to the puffy white clouds dotting the sky. Only minutes ago it was the white caps and the size of the ocean making me feel insignificant. Just hours before, I stood on that beach, my feet sinking into millions of grains of sand. I …

Are diamonds really girl’s best friend?

Diamond engagement rings are supposed to symbolize love, commitment, fidelity, and so much more, and yet their beginnings are rooted in a much less than sparkly past loaded with taboos and gender-bias. Perhaps the most ironic part about engagement rings is that every girl wants one, but none of us knows why. With that, I set off to do some …

Thanks to volunteers

Nice to see some volunteers getting well deserved recognition Recently the Sault Star had a full colour page dedicated to thanking the volunteers who were involved in the Santa fund. “These special volunteers … helped us collect over $112,300 for Christmas Cheer! Exceeding our goal of $100,000.” Christmas Cheer Convenor Diane Marshall and the volunteers at the depot were also …

Live life in high-definition

Over the holidays, I spent a lot of time sick, and/or of nursing sick family members, which meant watching a lot of television. It was then, contemplating the new year we’re about to herald in, that my television viewing epiphany happened: life is better in High Definition (HD). We were introduced to the world of television with a few hours …